Peer–Reviewed Journals

    1. Jhwueng DC (2025) A Literature Review of Stochastic Modeling for Phylogenetic Comparative Analysis in Trait Evolution. Mathematics, 13(3), 361.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and Chang CH (2025) Stochastic Modeling of Adaptive Trait Evolution in Phylogenetics: A Polynomial Regression and Approximate Bayesian Computation Approach. Mathematics, 13(1), 170.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2024) Modeling the Phylogenetic Rates of Continuous Trait Evolution: An Autoregressive–Moving-Average Model Approach. Mathematics, 13(1), 111.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and Wu CY (2023) A Novel Phylogenetic Negative Binomial Regression Model for Count-Dependent Variables. Biology, 12(8), 1148.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2023) Assessing Asymmetrical Rates in Multivariate Phylogenetic Trait Evolution: An Extension of Statistical Models for Heterogeneous Rate Estimation. Symmetry 15(7), 1445.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2023) A Phylogenetic Regression Model for Studying Trait Evolution on Network. Stats 6(1), 450-467.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2022) Modeling the Ecology and Evolution of Biodiversity: Introduction to the Special Issue. Diversity 15(1),24.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and Liu FC (2022) Effect of Polytomy on the Parameter Estimation and Goodness of Fit of Phylogenetic Linear Regression Models for Trait Evolution. Diversity 14(11):942.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2022) On the Covariance of Phylogenetic Quantitative Trait Evolution Models and their Matrix Condition. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 53(2), 952–971.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2021) Two Gaussian Bridge Processes for Mapping Continuous Trait Evolution. Mathematics 9(16):1998.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and Wang CP (2021) Phylogenetic curved optimal regression for adaptive trait evolution. Entropy 23(2):218.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2020) Building an adaptive trait simulator package to infer parametric diffusion model along phylogenetic tree. MethodsX 7C:100978.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2020) Modeling rate of adaptive trait evolution using Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process: an approximate Bayesian computation approach. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 145:106924.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and O’Meara BC (2020) On the matrix condition of phylogenetic tree. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 16:1-13.
    1. Jhwueng DC* and Maroulas V (2016) Adaptive trait evolution in random environment. Journal of Applied Statistics 43(12): 2310-2324.
    1. Jhwueng DC, Huzurbarzur SV, O’Meara BC and Liu L* (2014) Investigating the performance of AIC in selecting phylogenetic models. Statistical Application in Genetics and Molecular Biology 13(4): 459-475.
    1. Jhwueng DC and Maroulas V* (2014) Phylogenetic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck regression curves. Statistics & Probability Letters 89:110-117.
    1. Jhwueng DC (2013) Assessing the goodness of fit of phylogenetic comparative methods: a meta-analysis and simulation study. PLOS ONE 8(6): e67001.
    1. Beaulieu JM, Jhwueng DC, Boettiger C, and O’Meara BC* (2012) Modeling stabilizing selection: expanding the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of adaptive evolution. Evolution 66: 2369-2383.
    1. Gilman RT*, Nuismer SL and Jhwueng DC (2012) Coevolution in multidimensional trait space favors escape from parasites and pathogens. Nature 483:328-330.